Brazil may have 1 million daily cases of Covid ,indications , that most of them may be, by people already vaccinated

Brazil may have 1 million daily cases of Covid ,indications , that most of them may be, by people already vaccinated

Águas de Lindoia, January 5th, 2022

In two weeks, Brazil may reach one million people infected per day with Covid, possibly , by people who have already been vaccinated . See why ? - we have 75.77% of the Brazilian population vaccinated with the first dose, and 67.64% of the Brazilian population, immunized with the second dose, 305,922,708
is the total of doses applied, more than the Brazilian population, therefore: "There is no way that healthy people can infect others - if they take care of themselves and protect themselves. The goal of the governors, some mayors and doctors commanded by governors, using the sensationalist media, implanted the "collective hypnotism", putting fear and panic in people. If a vaccine, two vaccines, reinforcement, did not work and has been causing hundreds and even thousands of side effects, just imagine if Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, will work, this even leads to evidence that they are using people, for profit. This projection, made by the University of Washington (USA), considers that the cases are much higher than the official data and should more than double in 15 days. And this may be, through people already vaccinated, who were deceived by the miracle of vaccination, which is not working, reducing the immunity of the population and putting at risk the health of those who have taken it.

"We are not against the vaccine, we are against emergency and experimental vaccines whose only intention is to make guinea pigs out of humans. "

Credits : CNN

ANVISA - declares in this video that it is being forced to approve the experimental vaccine, by pressure from Brazilian and international authorities. And that the experimental vaccine is dangerous to public health, and may cause side effects and death.


It is not a question of denialism, or genocide on the part of those who are opposed to the vaccine, it is a question of enlightenment and education, because those positivists and protectors of the vaccine do not know how to explain why the increase in cases with the majority of the population already vaccinated, and instead, Instead, they are blatantly lying to the world population, creating strains, variants, one of them is OMICRON, and its creator - a politician known for his schemes and lies - inspired by a 1963 fiction film, where extra-terrestrials attacked the world, spreading the omicron virus.
The country lives a blackout of dirty politics and shame of the authorities involved, creating by a political war, and schemes of embezzlement of public money, high numbers about the disease, so it is not known the size of the wave of contamination created by them, driven by sensationalist media, and in the timely invention that hypnotized the people who live terrified and afraid, by the omicron variant today. This is because the notification systems, strangely enough, of the Ministry of Health have been unstable for a month, after hacker attacks, and there is no broad policy of testing. Strange, isn't it, the virus and hackers attack just at this time and together .
"This increase to 1 million in two weeks is plausible, because the Brazilian model, corrupt, opportune, being able to increase easily, any news, becomes powerful, by the lack of attention of the people who live hypnotized - that is, with fear of everything and death .At that moment that opportunists, corrupt, , applies the coup observing and in common agreement in what is already known of the disease in the U.S. and Europe, for example, that have very accurate numbers. That is, a worldwide agreement to end the economy and cover up the mismanagement of these governments .
Manuel Macron, in France, in the media, is ahead in the elections, however, he will lose badly, the French people are fed up with so many untruths and pressure against the French population, as in any part of the world, which is totally innocent, can not stand more, so many lies ....

They usually put the blame on the unvaccinated, however, never reveal how a healthy person can transmit the virus, and call people who have not vaccinated, "deniers or genocidaires," but it seems that the lockdown, the distancing and the masks, did not stick well, because, according to the government is returning the pandemic, are attributing the blame in variants, strains, unproven and also in people, not vaccinated, now, most cases, who is coming back to catch the virus are people already vaccinated, such positivists, in the minds of these rulers their experts and authorities that are being unmasked little by little by the untruths. On the other hand, the embezzlement of public resources, money laundering, are astronomical to cover up the hole of bad administration.
Unfortunately, the experimental vaccines that we have to avoid a tragedy are creating another tragedy, killing vaccinated people with their side effects, which will still cause a disgrace when applied to children - we want to see who will be held responsible, a crime against humanity.
For several independent experts, exactly because of the lack of testing, of research, of conclusion of safety and effectiveness in the world, the official data must reach those of the high projection of deaths from side effects higher than expected . However, they say that even with the underreporting, the registration of confirmed cases of the experimental vaccine, the deaths from side effects should double this year.
The way it's being done, we will have from 1 to 10 doses, with no effect and a greater risk to the population.
Finally, it is clear the pretension of world governments, and authorities, laboratories, such as in Brazil, ANVISA, Governors, Mayors,. Doctors of such positivism , hospitals , Ministry of Health , and Brazilian authorities , the sensationalist media who were alerted of the danger of the experimental vaccine , in turn totally ignored the message , and may become " a crime of Public Health, and crime against humanity " , who does not want to hear , does not follow safety measures,., remains in the error and the result generated by the carelessness of this practice . Today, therefore, we have the Error of Type (that falls on elements of the penal type, defects in the elements belonging to the will) and the Error of Prohibition (that falls on the illicitness of the conduct). In the former, the agent acts with a false perception of reality; he thinks it is one thing, but in reality it is something else.
Error determined by 3rd party (Art. 20, §2, of CP) law in Brazil
Ex. The doctor, knowing the possible side effects of the experimental vaccine on his patient, gives an injection to the nurse to apply to him, alleging that it is effective, but that it is a substance that can be lethal - or cause serious damage. The 3rd party (the doctor) is responsible for the crime.
May God bless you all!


Prof. Jucelino Luz, researcher. Writer, environmentalist, spiritual guide and activist


The untruths pointed out by the sensationalist media, which are categorically in favor of vaccines unproven effectiveness and no safety (studies and research, not finished) in the world - which point as denialism and genocidal, referring to those people who are opposed to experimental vaccines and emphasize that Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) had already warned the population of the risks of experimental vaccination and that it was being forced to approve the vaccination for this public, therefore, the correct posture to have caution. Above all, they are not respecting article 5 (fifth) of law 10406 of January 2002, and article 15.
On the contrary, the film is true, and talks about the invasion of extra-terrestrial beings on planet earth, spreading the Omicron virus - the poster may have been produced differently, however, the film is clear and objective, where there are indications that someone was inspired, or some person may have used this fiction, to spread fear and panic in Brazil and the world:
Omicron is a 1963 Italian science fiction-comedy film directed by Ugo Gregoretti.[1] The plot of the 1963 movie Omicron is of an alien taking over the body of an Earthling (a deceased factory worker who is resurrected) in order to learn about The Planet Earth and threatens the human race. The film entered the competition at the 24th Venice International Film Festival